Съботният ден. В картинки.
Last Sunday – shown in pics.
true football fans can fly I’m telling you!
my darling little fashionista – after lunch at Kumbare (this time the food was not good at all)
Maria‘s Gastronome. Was closed – as it was Sunday, but I’ll be back with more on that one…
UDF building – from the pic you can’t really tell, but the building is all ugly, dusty and dirty. Sadly this is what happened to the democratic party here – rests in dust…
Pre-Christmas ideas for gifts!
pre-Christmas decoration: plastic bag on trees:
Culture Beat Pazar:
I fell in love with the black shirt – Igor Ilijovski and the leather bracelets – Neva Balnikova.
Didn’t buy anything, but can I also have a stand please at the next Beat Pazar edition? I promise some great vintage clothes + lots of accessories! Really – with all the things I posses I can easily open a shop.
Liked a cardiogram-motive trench by Nulla.
ноември 30, 2011
А от къде е снимката на Pre-Christmas gifts, защото издирвам такъв Gingerbread mix от мнооооого време?
Благодаря предварително!
декември 1, 2011
На Неофит Рилски – след като пресечеш Раковска посока Витошка и държиш левия тротоар. Снимката е от витрината на магазин за сладкарски неща – имаше прекрасни форми за сладки и хартиени купички за кап-кейкове…