Понякога сутрин трудно отварям очи, особено ако предходния ден е бил изпълнен с гадости, а прогнозата за настоящия не е също особено положителна. Но после, докато си проверявам пощата, рзабирам, че все пак животът е хубаво нещо и си струва да го изживееш с всичките му странности, усложнения и каквото още ти поднася. А понякога сутрин животът ми поднася кафето, което сама съм си направила, някои много добри постове в goggle reader-а и текстовете, които приятелката ми праща вместо традиционни мейли:
Men I date
One of them is sending me postcards in Bulgarian via old-school mailbox from the Bronx to Brooklyn. He said “I love you” on the second date. The other one sends me lots of stuff, but mainly porn via facebook. He never said “I love you”. Im dating him from 6 months. The third one is never around, but when he is we are having wonderful sex, and I sometimes forget my underwear in his house. Not on purpose!
Men I care about
My husband comes to pick me up for lunch high as hell in 12 o’clock. He lives with our cats in downtown Brooklyn and potty trains them so they can use the human bathroom. Pretty successful for now! My best friend, in whom I am desperately and undoubtedly in love goes to therapy once a week. He is kind enough to offer me to pay my therapy sessions, if and when I decide its time to go. I kindly offered him couple’s therapy for two of us instead. My life mentor convinces me I have a drinking problem, while he is finishing his 6th beer with me.
I’m 30 and I love MEN! One painter, one teacher, one DJ, one actor, one singer/songwriter, one movie editor.
pic: hedislimane.com
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